

Young Researchers from Thailand

5th SAICON-2022

Education, Management, Economics, Big Data

Online conference

The Future of ASIA – Post Pandemic Sustainability 5th SAICon-2022

04-05 August 2022


5th Scientia Academia International Conference
Education | Management | Economics | Big Data

The Future of ASIA – Post Pandemic Sustainability

18-19 June 06-07 August 2022, Residensi UTMKL, Malaysia

Online Conference

Scientia Academia International Conference (SAICon) is a prestigious event organized with a motivation to provide an excellent international platform for academicians, researchers, engineers, industrial participants, and students around the globe to SHARE their research findings and to EXCHANGE knowledge with global experts to reach maximum visibility and citations. The 5th Scientia Academia International Conference (5th SAICon-2022) is going to be held at Residensi Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This year, the conference will be held online only from August 06-07, 2022. 


The key intention of Scientia Academia is to provide opportunities for global participants to share their ideas and research experiences with peers expected to join from different parts of the world. In addition, this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as find international linkages for future research collaborations. We hope that the 5th SAICon-2022 outcomes will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope, and will have equal opportunity for publication in indexed journals/proceedings.

Keynote Speakers

Prof.  Dr. Kayhan Tajeddini

Professor of Strategic Management and International Business
Institute for International Strategy, Tokyo International University, Tokyo, Japan

Editor in Chief
Middle East Journal of Management (MEJM), ISI WoS 

Dr. Muhammad Hafeez
Assistant Professor
IBMS, University of Agricultural Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Prof. Dr. Kamariah Ismail

Professor at Universiti Teknologi Brunie
Former Deputy Director, Innovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC), UTM
Former Director, UTM Entrepreneurship Centre (UTMTEC)
Professor (Commercialisation of Technology/Technopreneurship/Entrepreneurship /Innovation Management)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Associate Prof Dr Masud Zein, MPd
Vice Rector II
UIN Sultan Syarif kasim Riau Indonesia

adding more . . .

Scientific Committee

Dr. Nur Naha Mansor
Dean, Professor

Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Dr. Ahmad bin Jusoh
Deputy Dean, Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Dr. Suresh Ramakrishnan
Deputy Dean (Research & Innovation)

Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Dr. Zafer Bekirogullari
Managing Director, Future Academy

United Kingdom.


Dr. Anis Mahomed Karodia
Professor, Regent Business School

Durban, South Africa.


Dr. Shahjahan Khan
Professor of Statistics, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences

University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Qld. 4350, Australia.


Dr. Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka

Professor Head, Department of Public Administration,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria.


Dr. N. Panchanatham
Professor Department of Business Administration,

Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, 608002 India.


Dr. Abdel-Salam Gomaa
Professor. Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics,

College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.


Dr. Víctor Leiva
Professor of Statistics

School of Industrial Engineering,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. [Profile]


Dr. Derek Watson
Faculty of Business & Law,

University of Sunderland, United Kingdom.


Dr. Alao, David Oladimeji
Professor, Babcock University, Ilishan Remo,

Ogun State, Nigeria.


Dr. Prof. Dhiru Soni
Director of Research, Regent Business School,

35 Samora Machel Street, Durban 4001, South Africa.


Dr. Kuen-Suan Chen (陳坤盛)
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan.


Dr. Shahram Gilaninia
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management,

Azad University, Rasht, Iran.


Dr. Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor
Director Campus, University of the Punjab Jhelum Campus,
Jhelum, Pakistan.


Dr. Muqadas Rehman
Assistant Professor, Hailey College of Commerce,

University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.


Dr. Yasin Munir
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,

GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan.

Prof. Dr. Kayhan Tajeddini
Institute for International Strategy, Tokyo International University, Tokyo, Japan
Editor in Chief
Middle East Journal of Management (MEJM), ISI WoS


Dr. Zhang Jin-Ting
Associate Professor

Department of   Stat. and Applied Prob.
National University of Singapore, Singapore.


Dr. Suresh Ramakrishnan
Deputy Dean (Research & Innovation)

Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Dr. Syed Ali Raza
IQRA University Karachi, Pakistan.


Dr. Imtiaz Arif
IQRA University Karachi, Pakistan.


Dr. Alya O. Al Mutairi
Assistant Professor

Applied Statistics, Mathematical Dept, Faculty of Science,
Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Dr.  Wan Zaidi Bin Wan Omar
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia.


Dr. Shahid Mubeen
Deputy Director QEC, Controller of Examinations

Department of Mathematics
University of Sargodha, Pakistan.


Dr. Khalil bin Md. Nor
Professor, Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Dr. M. Khyzer Bin Dost
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences,
Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan.


Dr. Fayaz Ali Shah
Assistant Professor, Research Journal Coordinator
Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan.


Dr. Wasim ul Rehman
Assistant Professor/Head of the Department
Department of Business Administration
GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan.


Dr. Farrah Merlinda Muharram
Azman Hashim International Business School

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia.


Dr. Farhan Jamil
Assistant Director,

Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.

Conference Organizing Team

Conference Chair
Professor Dr. Kamariah Ismail

Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Head Operations
Dr. Farah Merlinda

Senior Lecturer, Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Media & Marketing
Mr. Jahanzeb Sheikh

Scholar – Bioscience & Medical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.


Conference Secretary
Mr. Rajeh Bati Almasradi

Bishah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Cluster Head

Muhammad Hatim, PhD Scholar
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Marketing Coordinator
Mr. Arshad Abbas

PhD Scholar – Azman Hashim International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.

International Linkages

Dr. Zhang Jin-Ting
National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Saheed Bayat
University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa.

Dr. Derek Watson
Faculty of Business & Law, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom.

Dr. Shahram Gilaninia
Department of Industrial Management, Azad University, Rasht, Iran.

Dr. Shahjahan Khan
University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

Conference Theme

The conference welcomes empirical research as well as theoretical/conceptual research papers having the potential for field applications and in-depth literature reviews. The conference welcomes contribution, but not limited to, on following tracks:

ᴥ  Teaching

ᴥ  Learning

ᴥ  e-Learning

ᴥ  Pedagogy

ᴥ   Management consulting

ᴥ   Management training and development

ᴥ   Natural sciences and business

ᴥ   Research methods

ᴥ   Social sciences and business

ᴥ   Technology management

ᴥ   Risk management

ᴥ   Critical management

ᴥ   Management of telecommunications

ᴥ   Supply chain management

ᴥ   Tourism management

ᴥ   Information management

ᴥ   Social Entrepreneurship

ᴥ  Banking and Finance

ᴥ  Business Management

ᴥ  Business Strategy

ᴥ  Strategic Management

ᴥ  Marketing

ᴥ  New Product Development

ᴥ  Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

ᴥ  Corporate Entrepreneurship

ᴥ  Technology management

ᴥ  Innovation management,

ᴥ  Islamic banking and finance

ᴥ  Psychology management

ᴥ   Big Data Analytics

ᴥ   Sustainability

ᴥ   Economic growth

ᴥ   Economic strategy

ᴥ   Law and business

ᴥ   Macroeconomics

ᴥ   Microeconomics

ᴥ   Managerial economics

ᴥ   Economic of transport and telecommunications

ᴥ   Economic of web portals

ᴥ  Information Technology

ᴥ  Business Statistics

ᴥ  Business Ethics

ᴥ  Management Information System

ᴥ  Project Management

ᴥ  Human Resource Management

ᴥ  Innovation Management

ᴥ  Accounting and Finance

ᴥ  Financial Institutions Management

ᴥ  Organizational Behavior

International Business

ᴥ  Cross-cultural Management

ᴥ  Entrepreneurship Ventures

ᴥ  Entrepreneurship in Organizations

ᴥ  Enterprise Resource Planning & Management

ᴥ  Creativity and Innovation

ᴥ  Change and Knowledge Management

ᴥ  Financing Ventures

Registration Fee

Participants are requested to please send payment receipts to Once the payment confirmation is received, we will send you a confirmation of registration.

*Early bird registration fee RM 600 / 150 USD
before 15 July 2022
*Late registration fee RM 800 / 200 USD
after July 15, 2022
Attendee fee RM 200 / 50 USD

* 15 % fee waiver for Scientia Academia Members.
**Article-Processing Charges (APC) will be applicable for SCOPUS/ISI WoS indexed publications.

***Free publication in international journals, proceedings, and book chapters.


Cancellation/Withdrawal Policy:

  • The conference fee/publication fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.


** For any query, please contact at

Best Paper Awards

•    Best Paper Award   –   MYR 1,000

•    Best Presenter Award (Highest Views on YouTube)   –   MYR 1,000

•    Best Poster Award    –   MYR 1,000

Registration Fee Includes following:

  • Paper Publication opportunity in SCOPUS/ISI Web of Science/ABDC/HEC/UGC recognized journals/proceedings/special issues.
  • E-certificate
  • Participation in the technical sessions
  • 5th SAICon-2022 abstract book in electronic format
  • Attending all conference sessions and/or tutorials



  • Delays in the publication process or rejection of publication by journals can not be challenged by any legal authority.

Presentation Formats

1-   Live Presentation

In this pandemic situation, SAICon is providing equal opportunity to researchers to participate in the International Conference using the ONLINE platform, and to get research published in indexed journals. Virtual presenters will receive a full copy of the conference abstract/proceeding book in regular mail. Virtual presenters will present on first and second day of the conference through Skype/Google in live presentation sessions. SAICon reserves the right to reschedule/cancel the format/conference anytime.


2-   Poster Presentation (E-poster)

SAICon gives a platform to researchers to showcase their quality research in a Poster format in Online format.

Preparation of E-poster:

Due to the virtual nature of the E-poster presentation, we are only accepting Electronic Posters (E-Posters) in PDF format. Printed posters or photographs of printed posters will NOT be accepted for an online poster presentation. The poster should be a clear visual presentation of your submitted abstract and should meet the following criteria:

Title of the Poster

  • It is recommended to keep the title of the poster the same as in the submitted abstract. The slight modification which does not change the idea of the abstract is also allowed.

Poster size and format

  • The poster must be submitted in PDF format.
  • It is recommended to make your poster in PowerPoint (Landscape or Portrait) and then save it as a PDF before sending it to SAICon.
  • Make sure that you do not exceed the limit of 5 PPT slides for your E-Poster.

Your Information

  • The top of the Poster should display, in the lettering of 18 Bold (Times New Roman), the following information: Title of your Paper, Name(s) of the Author(s) and Affiliation(s).
  • Please put your SAICon_paper_ID on the top right corner of the poster.


  • Kindly use both UPPER- and lower-case letters for general content, as all-capital text is difficult to read. It is recommended to use 10 Times New Roman font style for the content of the poster.
  • Make sure there is enough contrast between the colour of the text and the poster’s background.
  • Text and presentation should be in ENGLISH only.

Content of the Poster

  • Make sure that the specific sections (such as the background, methods, results, and conclusions) are easy to locate in the poster.
  • Try to keep the text easy to read and concise. The poster should have a clear message, a logical layout, and be easy to comprehend.
  • Avoid the use of full sentences and rather use short text in bullet point format.
  • Avoid using watermarks that may detract from the readability of your poster.

3-  Video Recorded Slides Presentation

The SAICon-2022 conference also provides a virtual platform where your recorded video presentation will be played following the schedule. However, the presenter is encouraged to attend your session for the live Question (Q) and Answer (A) session. The Q&A session will be in comment windows during the streaming and your video link on our YouTube channel and/or your video will be played during live presentation sessions. SAICon reserves the right to reschedule/cancel the format/conference anytime.

Before submitting your video presentation, please make sure you have done the following items:

  • Register and make the payment before the deadline

Details of recorded video presentation:

  • Dateline: July 20, 2022
  • The platform for video uploading: will be updated on the website on July 20, 2022
  • Alternatively, you may email your video and slide to
  • Duration of recorded video (please follow strictly the allocated duration):
    • Oral presentation: 12-15 min
  • The file format of recorded video: MP4
  • The file name of the recorded video: PaperID.presenter_name.mp4
    • Paper ID will be assigned in notification letter by secretariat SAICon-2022
  • Requirement of presentation (choose 1 of the option):
    • Option 1 – Narrated presentation (PPT slides with both voice and webcam camera)
    • Option 2 – Narrated presentation (PPT slides with voice only; include the photo of the presenter on the first page and last page of PPT slides)

Example of recording method:

  1. Using the built-in function of PPT to record voice (noted that you would be able to record your webcam as well for PowerPoint 2016 and 365 version)
  2. Using the zoom to record a PPT presentation with a webcam
  3. Using an audio recording tool to record the voice and integrate it with the video

*Any other methods which could satisfy the requirement of recorded video in Option 1 or Option 2 (please search for more information online if you are not sure how to do it)

 Other important notes:

  • Please keep the oral presentation duration at around 12-15 minutes and the video file around or under 750Mb in size.
  • Please upload your video presentation on time so we have enough time for testing and feedback if needed.
  • The presentation will be available on our YouTube channel and/or during the live session ONLINE, and you are encouraged to participate in the Q&A during the whole conference duration and/or in the comment section.


SAICon reserves the right to reschedule/cancel the format/conference anytime.


Publication Opportunity

All papers will be offered publication opportunities in normal/special issues/proceedings in the following databases:

  1. SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  2. ISI Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
  3. ABDC Australia
  4. HEC Pakistan
  5. UGC care list


*SCOPUS/ISI Web of Science journals:

Frontiers in Psychology (SCOPUS, Q2) – (WoS, SSCI)

Behaviour & Information Technology (SCOPUS, Q1) – (WoS, SSCI, SCIE)

History of Education Review (SCOPUS, Q1) – (WoS, ESCI)

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (SCOPUS, Q2) – (WoS, ESCI)

Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (SCOPUS, Q1) – (WoS, SSCI)

Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education (SCOPUS, Q2) – (WoS, SSCI)

Psychology Learning and Teaching (SCOPUS, Q3) – (WoS, ESCI)

Contemporary Political Theory  (SCOPUS, Q2) – (WoS, SSCI)

Middle East Journal of Management (WoS, ESCI)

International Journal of Business and Globalisation (SCOPUS, Q3)

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research (ABDC)


International Refereed Journals (Free Publication)

Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman Chapter

Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter)

Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter)

International Journal of Accounting Research (IJAR)

Journal of Research and Development (JRnD)

Review of Public Administration and Management (ROPAM)

Journal of Policy and Development (JPDS)

NG-Journal of Social Development (NGJSD)



  • Publication in international refereed journals will be free of cost.
  • Papers will be offered publication opportunities in indexed journals/proceedings/special issues.
  • Authors will be offered to submit papers in indexed journals and be responsible to fulfill reviewers’ comments (if any).
  • Journals’ indexing/abstracting is based on information provided on the publishers’ websites.
  • Article Processing Charges (APC) will be applicable for publication in SCOPUS/WoS/HEC/ABDC/UGC.


Paper Formation

Guidelines for full paper submission:

The conference has a limit for full paper pages up to 15 pages, however later at the time of publication in the journal. If required by journal rules and regulations author may be requested to follow the conditions imposed by journal policy.


Abstract: Abstract should have the title of the paper, author(s) name, email IDs of all authors, affiliation(s) of the author(s), and keywords (3-6 keywords). The abstract including the keywords and affiliations should not exceed one page (Maximum 300 words).

Introduction: Introduce study concept, major theoretical and empirical gap and contribution by this study, importance, and implications for practice.

Literature Review: A thorough synthesis of the past and current literature backing the study hypotheses and leading towards propositions.

Methodology: Clear and concise elaboration of the method applied and the steps taken to ensure the reliability and validity of used methodology. Explain the sample and target population with justifications.

Results: Clear and comprehensive presentation of results in view of proposed hypotheses.

Discussion & Conclusion:  Discuss the strengths and contribution of research to theory and practice. Limitations and future research directions with the conclusion.

Acknowledgment: When appropriate

References: APA style is recommended (Use of  referencing software (Endnote/Mendeley etc.) is appreciated)

Appendices: When appropriate

Conference Program

Date:     May 21-22, 2022
Conference Virtual Presentation

Time                                      Activity
09:00 – 16:00 MST Online Parallel Sessions presentations

*The Definite Program Schedule will be mailed to all participants after the last date of registration.

 For more information, please email at

Online Paper Submission Form

Fill the following form and upload full paper/abstract

    Conference Venue

    Residensi Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Terms & Conditions

    1. The conference fee is non-refundable in any case.
    2. Full paper submission and publication are optional. The conference fee includes the e-certificates, access to all parallel sessions, selected workshops for participants (some workshops have payment), extended abstract published in proceedings, and the publication of the full paper in free journals (Non-Indexed).
    3. The conference fee doesn’t include publication fees for SCOPUS / ISI / HEC indexed journals. A separate Invoice will be sent to the authors for article processing charges of journals.
    4. The publication fee and time are dependent on the selected journals. There may be several rounds of corrections before publication. Please note this process can take a longer time for publication. However, the conference team will assist you at each step of the publication process.
    5. Authors must need to ensure that the work submitted for publication is their original contribution. Scientia Academia has a strict plagiarism policy. Any paper having plagiarism of more than 15% would be rejected. Make sure your paper has a similarity index of less than 15% and less than 5% from a single source. Please note that self-plagiarism is also not allowed. No refund application will be entertained if the paper is rejected due to plagiarism. We may also request the respective institutes to take action against the author who is involved in these Malpractices.
    6. Scientia Academia is not responsible for any change in the journal indexing. Scientia Academia is conference organizers, not an indexing agency. We do not control the indexing process. The information about the journal is obtained from the journal website and verified from the Scopus database. In any case, journal indexing has been changed during the publication process, conference organizers have no control over it and we are not responsible for any change in journal indexing.
    7. Scientia Academia always extended its efforts to publish conference papers in Scopus Indexed journals. However, we cannot control the indexing process. In any case, if an author’s article is not indexed in the Scopus database the authors have to contact Scopus through email or Scopus help center. We do have not control over the Scopus Indexing process.
    8. Authors must need to confirm the indexing of the journal provided by the Scientia Academia for publication from the SCOPUS / ISI / HEC or the official website of SCOPUS or through email Upon submission of the agreement from Scientia Academia will process the publication.
    9. Scientia Academia will try their level best to complete the publication process quickly. However, the publication process may take 6-8 months. We need your cooperation during this process.
    10. Scientia Academia is not responsible to fulfil any institutional criteria for publication acceptance. Authors should confirm from their respective departments before submission of their publication fee.
    11. The author will not cause or involve in any sort of violence or disturbance within and outside of the Conference/Event venue.
    12. The conference committee has all rights reserved to shift the venue, change the mode, and reschedule the date of the event at any time.
    13. The author will be liable for paying APC, if increases, as per the journal’s demand for publication.
    14. The author will not take any legal action against the conference or its organizer or any party associated with any issue.
    15. Delays in the publication process or rejection of publication by journals cannot be challenged by any legal authority.

    I have read the agreement and I agree with these terms and conditions.

    # 5th Scientia Academia International Conference

    August 06-07, 2022
    The future of ASIA - Post Pandemic Sustainability